Category Archives: Senior Entrepreneur

Saving Money Versus Supplementing Your Income

Retired seniors are discovering that it’s very difficult to save money on a fixed income. Prices on everything keep rising while the income stays the same. Unless you’re independently wealthy upon retirement, you may find yourself cutting coupons and even cutting back on medical prescriptions to save money for essentials such as rent and utilities. You don’t have to live the rest of your life saving money to make ends meet. With the advent of the Internet, many opportunities are now available that have never been open […]

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Forced Retirement Doesn’t Mean the End of Your Career

Will Rogers once spoke about how half your life is wasted attempting to find something to fill the void of all the time you rushed around trying to save. Most people have many productive years left after retirement, and it’s plenty of time for you to start new careers, lead a different lifestyle and enjoy numerous successes. Seniors aren’t content anymore to accept the gold watch and then be delegated to a life of isolation. It might be fun and relaxing for a while, but eventually boredom […]

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Embracing a Can Do Mindset as a Senior Entrepreneur

It’s easy for seniors to get into a negative mindset that prevents them from keeping up with the world, getting things done and enjoying life to the fullest. They may think they’re too tired, too old or just don’t have the skills necessary to embrace a can do mindset. Retirement sometimes makes couch potatoes of seniors who can still make a difference, but are afraid to try. It’s true this is a fast-changing world and new skills are necessary to do almost anything – for the young […]

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Baby Boomers Love the Freedom That Comes with Being an Online Entrepreneur

Baby boomers are unique in history. Most are refusing to retire like their ancestors – accepting the gold watch and then reclining in a chair for the rest of their lives. Boomers are active, both mentally and physically, and are leaving their own footprints on the world. Best of all, boomers are enjoying the innate freedom that comes from being an online entrepreneur. At approximately 80 million (and growing), boomers are meeting their retirement years with entrepreneurial mindsets. They’re using the computer and the ‘net to restart […]

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