Category Archives: Working from Home

Part Time Work for Full Time Pay Helps Seniors Make Ends Meet

More seniors are discovering the benefits of working part time to supplement their inadequate incomes. They’re also finding that working part time can equal the full time pay they used to enjoy at a job. Despite the 401Ks and IRAs seniors may have set aside as they worked for a company, they’re finding it’s still not enough to live comfortably when they retire. Most have to seek a part time job just to make ends meet. Using the valuable skills they’ve honed during years of working for […]

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Seniors Facing Financial Insecurity Turn to the ‘Net for Stability

One of the most appealing facts to seniors about the Internet is that it can supplement their retirement incomes. What seniors have saved during the most productive time of their lives just isn’t enough to retire comfortably and they’re looking for other means besides pinching pennies to make ends meet. The ‘net offers a myriad of methods to leverage income and experience – and without the startup costs of most businesses or embarking on new careers. There is so much information available (including courses you can take […]

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What Seniors Need to Know About Working on a Computer from Home

Seniors are clamoring to learn about computers and the Internet so they can make money to supplement their retirement incomes and socialize with others. They’re part of a movement which can keep seniors working and independent for the rest of their lives barring severe health problems. If you have a computer and access to the Internet, you are already well on your way to building a home-based business. A home-based business lets seniors set their own hours and determine how much effort they want to put into […]

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